Photo by Heidi Zeigler
Reconnect Date Night
March 7, 2020 at The Post Commons, Alton IL
35 couples from around the region joined us at the beautiful Post Commons cafe for a date night featuring two talks by Mike and Alicia Hernon, the dynamic married duo from the Messy Family Podcast. We created a lovely, romantic feeling with tables for two and a catered dinner. Mike and Alicia's talks were enjoyable, funny, inspiring, and full of wisdom we could all apply. Between their talks, couples had a chance to discuss one-on-one over dinner, or they could socialize with friends in the main cafe. Truly a delightful and inspiring evening!
Reconnect Date Night came during Lent, a perfect time to do spring cleaning in the soul and in our relationships. My husband and I enjoyed this night as it gave us the opportunity to look at our relationship and the ways that we are being challenged to grow outside ourselves to form a stronger marital bond. Mike and Alicia Hernon were great presenters of keeping one's marital relationship alive as well as one's family relationships growing.
A flourishing marital relationship is one whose goal/purpose is: unity, spousal priority, importance of marital relations, God's involvement, and recognition of good times and bad. Reconnect Date Night also allowed my husband and I to experience solidarity with like-minded couples desiring a strong marriage and family life. This night was indeed a gift!
- Marci Wendle